
My current non-fiction project is a biography of Lucia Berlin for FSG.


The Borders of Biography: Lucia Berlin and Me

The Cambridge Quarterly, March 2024

Dr Emily Hull and I co-edited this special issue on biography, which features an interview with Professor Dame Hermione Lee, plus several academic articles (including one by me).

You can read all of this here.

Lucia Berlin’s Roots in Spanish and Chilean Literatures

Short Fiction in Theory & Practice, October 2023

Because Lucia Berlin wasn’t really an Anglophone writer after all — at least, not exclusively.

You can read this academic article here.

Stationery in Motion: Letters from Hotels

The Paris Review, March 2023

“The Boulderado letter stood out to me because of the paper on which it was written. I got to Harvard in the third week of my research trip, and along the way I’d become obsessed with hotel stationery…”

Read on here.

The Short Autofictions of Eve Babitz, Lucia Berlin and Bette Howland

Critique, August 2022

This is an academic article but is not dry, promise.

You can read it here.

Watching America from Islamabad

The Oxford Review of Books, March 2021

“I’ll never fully understand how it felt to face Covid in Trump’s America, just as my parents and sister will never fully understand how it felt to move to Pakistan during a pandemic…”

Read on here.

Lucia Berlin Writes Home

Granta, October 2018

“If Lucia Berlin’s collections were houses, their hallways would change direction without warning, and their rooms would be bright and dark at the same time…”

Read on here.